E85 Gas Station Locations and e85 news


Flex Fuel Vehicles


Nebraska E85 Gas Stations

In Nebraska, you'll find 31 local gas stations in 22 cities that you can fill up your Flex Fuel vehicle with E85 Ethanol. Below you'll find a handy list of these E85 pumps, as well as links to more information on alternative fuels.

Ainsworth Albion Atkinson
Bellevue Blair Chadron
Elm Creek Grand Island Kearney
LaVista Lexington Lincoln
McCook Merna Norfolk
North Platte Ogallala Omaha
Ord Sargent Sidney


Ainsworth, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Cenex, 409 E. 4th, Ainsworth, NE 69210

Albion, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Bosselman's Pump & Pantry, 317 W. State St., Albion, NE 68620

White Star Oil Co., 305 N. 6th St., Albion, NE 68620

Atkinson, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Roadrunner, 206 S. Hyde St., Atkinson, NE 68713

Bellevue, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Food N Fuel, 10110 S. 15th St., Bellevue, NE 68123

Blair, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Blair One Stop, 1458 Washington St., Blair, NE 68008

Chadron, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Pik 6, 855 W. Third St., Chadron, NE 69337

Elm Creek, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Bosselman's Pump & Pantry, Hwy. 30 & Church St., Elm Creek, NE 68836

Grand Island, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Bosselman's Pump & Pantry, Webb Rd. & Old W Hwy., Grand Island, NE 68801

Kearney, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Bosselman's Pump & Pantry, 4311 2nd Ave., Kearney, NE 68847

Bosselman's Pump & Pantry, 1212 E. 56th St., Kearney, NE 68847

LaVista, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Fantasy's Food N Fuel, 7828 S. 123rd Plaza, LaVista, NE 68128

Lexington, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Ampride, 2700 Plum Creek Pkwy, Lexington, NE 68850

Lincoln, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Git N' Split, 1545 Cornhusker Hwy., Lincoln, NE 68521

Phillips 66, 110 W. O St., Lincoln, NE 68528

Stop & Shop, 5757 S. 85th St., Lincoln, NE 68526

U-Stop, 610 S. Tenth St., Lincoln, NE 68508

McCook, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Sinclair, 502 W. B St., McCook, NE 69001

Merna, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Whoa & Go Express, Hwy. 2 & Hwy. 92, Merna, NE 68856

Norfolk, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Victory Road Discount Fuels, 3001 N. Victory Rd., Norfolk, NE 68701

North Platte, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Time Saver, 1401 S. Jeffers, North Platte, NE 69101

Ogallala, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Western Convenience, 306 E. 1st St., Ogallala, NE 69153

Omaha, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Bucky's Express, 4865 S. 108th St., Omaha, NE 68137

Cubby's Old Market, 601 S. 13th St., Omaha, NE 68102

Kum & Go, 2627 S. HWS Cleveland Blvd., Omaha, NE 68130

Super Saver, 5710 S. 144th St., Omaha, NE 68137

Southport Fantasy's, 7828 S. 123rd Plaza, Omaha, NE 68128

Ord, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Whoa & Go, 1111 S. 2nd St., Ord, NE 68862

Sargent, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Drake Oil Co., 300 N. Hwy 183, Sargent, NE 68874

Sidney, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

Western Convenience, 440 East Illinois St., Sidney, NE 69162

York, NE E85 Gas Station Locations

UFC, 1504 Platte Ave., York, NE 68467

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Nebraska Ethanol Resources

Nebraska Biodiesel Gas Stations

Nebraska Corn Growers Association

Nebraska Ethanol Board

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